What MINDWALKING aims at
Permanent unhappiness is not a normal condition. Joy, however, is. When you are experiencing self-doubt, facing a relationship crisis, and witnessing self-sabotage patterns ruining your life, it might be a good idea to deal with it. Taking such challenges on all by yourself is not easy. That’s what your MindWalking trainer is good for. He or she supports you in dealing with your issues.
The Basic Idea
You can and will rediscover your inner peace. MindWalking will settle inner turmoil, and make for serenity and self-determinedness. This is achieved by exercising mindfulness and awareness, both inwardly and outwardly. Inwardly you would focus on your mental images, emotions, and thought patterns. In doing so, you would overcome stressful experiences of the past, straighten out relationships, and undo negativity. Outwardly, your being mindful and aware in dealing with the people around you will make you plenty of friends.
Deep down, each of us have good intentions and remarkable abilities. These positive features are often overshadowed by negative experiences. Yet the positive can be rehabilitated by means of conscious communication with the outside world as well as the world inside you. MindWalking is not psychotherapy. There is no diagnosis of medical conditions or psychiatric symptoms and there is no therapy plan on this basis. Should you be receiving psychotherapy, your MindWalking sessions or courses may be done concurrently with this.
MindWalking is neither a quick fix nor a miracle cure. Rather, it is a means of establishing consensual solutions all along one’s life. Personality development is not complete after eliminating some panic attacks or negative programs only. Rather, it begins at this point. MindWalking starts with a session guide, and at an advanced stage, is done solo, i.e., with no session guide present. Sessions are done on self-selected topics and at self-chosen times. Doing solo sessions, even for a professional MindWalking Trainer, is a matter of course. This is because we engage in MindWalking out of curiosity, we wish to rise to higher levels of insight into the meaning and purpose of existence, and to make life a bigger game. You can turn your personality development into a life routine in the same way you do it with brushing your teeth.
Getting STARTed
Your starting point is marked by the simple observation that life isn’t quite the way it should be. Such undesirable conditions impair joy and self-confidence. They cloud a clear view on the present and shake one’s hope for a pleasant future. What makes it worse is becoming accustomed to these limitations and perceiving them as normal or not so severe.
You may have undergone various kinds of schooling, training, and therapy, you may have consulted shamans and clairvoyants, and as good as this might have been, it may not have fully satisfied you. Also, you might be quite a normal person, and doing quite well, and you might still have some hangups that you haven’t quite resolved. To get this sorted out you need someone to talk to. At this point, it might be worthwhile to consult a MindWalking Trainer.
MindWalking aims at making the unconscious conscious. In this way, fundamental questions about one’s existence and purpose, as well as other burdensome issues, can be uncovered, addressed, made known, and be emotionally neutralized. MindWalking consists of quite a range of procedures. Your MindWalking Trainer will choose the right approach for your situation.
This is important: your MindWalking trainer will do his utmost to make you able to explore your mind by yourself, as soon as possible. This you would do in form of “solo” sessions. Absolutely no attempt is made to create dependency on a“specialist”.
YOUr Appointment
In order to actively receive your MindWalking services you would book either a deep memory session, or some tailor made coaching according to your requirements, or a course. Memory sessions usually take two to three consecutive days with approximately 12 to 15 hours of pure session time. The exact duration is unpredictable as it depends on the topic and its dynamics. Sessions are done either in the session guide’s space or as a special arrangement, in your home.
Regarding the setting: Deep memory sessions are done individually. The format is simple and requires only a table and two chairs. Coaching may require some space for walking back and forth. A course room would have to accommodate four to eight people moving around. Disturbances should be avoided to facilitate your progress. During breaks, especially lunch, it is essential to eat and drink enough. It is strongly recommended to abstain from drugs or medication a week before the appointment and from heavy alcohol consumption three days prior. A glass of wine or beer in the evening is permitted. Cigarettes and coffee are not relevant.
Your appointment begins with an initial interview of one to three hours. Here your life background and recurring themes in your life are thoroughly explored. The session target is defined. In order to address and resolve your issues, your MindWalking Trainer designs an individually tailored session program. Sessions have their own dynamic; a break is taken pretty much every 90 min. The session day runs from 9:00 am to about 5:30 or 6:30 pm, with about 5 to 6 hours of actual session time. You will only be charged for the actual session time.
The Life Review
Purpose: To look at the sunny side of life. This sunny side is easily forgotten as the depressing stuff tends to push itself into the foreground. Secondly, there is the purpose of training your recall ability so that you may reach the earliest parts of childhood, or perhaps even earlier. Thirdly, you are learning to find, describe, and accept what’s coming up from the depths of your mind.
Process: The session guide asks you, the session partner, to recall pleasant events, wins and successes, for instance "when you had a merry time with friends" or "when you were proud of an achievement". The questions are taken from a prepared list. You will learn to observe, express, and acknowledge positive images of the past and the emotional dynamics going along with them. This skill of effortlessly retrieving and describing mental files is crucial in that it enables you to enjoy happy memories of the past and to produce positive images regarding the future. Also, it sets you up to intentionally deal with negative or traumatic incidents should they inadvertently come to mind. However, keeping the focus on the positive is the key strategy of the Life Review.
Result: You can easily access your memories and are able to describe and recall them with precision and detail. When asked to recall pleasant experiences, you'll find exactly those and do not drift off towards negative ones associated with the question. You are able to vividly enjoy your pleasant memories. As a result, you will be more accepting and happier than before and feel reassured about good things happening to you. This leads up to a new, more optimistic perspective on life.
The Relationship Clearing
Purpose: To resolve conflicting attitudes and intentions regarding whatever relationship. A relationship is disturbed when you are not clearly and definitely either for or against the reference point in question, be it a person, an activity, your job, whatever. The aim of Relationship Clearing is to arrive at a workable position to operate from within that particular relationship. The aim is not to create some happy end, but to break through to a decision regarding whether you should be going or staying.
Process: Relationship Clearing addresses emotionally unresolved problems and confrontations of the past. Pent-up resentment, anger, or wrath, unresolved conflicts, guilt about this or that, transgressions concerning rules and agreements, as well as their concealment, can exist on both sides. This makes it rather difficult to take and maintain a clear position regarding a reference point, i.e., the relationship partner in question, and it makes you wonder if you should continue or end that particular relationship.
A “reference point” could be a business partner, a job, a friend, a family member, a colleague, an animal, an activity, an institution, or anything else that gives dimension and orientation to your life. It doesn’t matter if the relationship in question is not a present reality for you anymore. If a past relationship has not come to closure, or if troublesome experiences with a long-deceased person keep going through your mind, that relationship is obviously still existing for you, and deserves to be looked at.
The actual Relationship Clearing process addresses negative as well as positive incidents, for instance, "when was there openness?", and "when was there deceit?". This leads to rethinking this relationship. With this, self-assurance, joy, and clarity go along, but also emotional dynamics such as sadness, anger, and frustration. All those pent-up tensions will get released. There will be intense emotional outbursts as well as lots of smiles and cheerfulness. As in MindWalking generally, memories will be awakened, yet no evaluations be imposed by your session guide. Your session guide listens, understands, and signals empathy, and they will help you to navigate through the turbulence of your mental images.
Result: The end result is achieved after you have lived through the stressful incidents of your past and have neutralized the negative emotions left. With this cleared, you will experience serenity and clarity regarding your own position and values. This results in acceptance of what is and the ability to take action and make decisions, even if that action or decision should be uncomfortable or difficult. Nevertheless, you will have gained unquestionable certainty about your new viewpoint regarding the relationship in question.
THE PERSONAL Expansion Program
Purpose: To find the cause for and undo, negative programs. These show themselves as self-limiting beliefs or life patterns that keep one from moving on to higher levels of joy and responsibility. Much as they are known to a person, one isn’t able to cancel such patterns. It takes the assistance of a session guide.
Process: Root cause analysis. This is done as a recall process that will gradually go deeper and deeper, until the root cause of the trouble is found, discharged, and neutralized. With that, the unwanted pattern is gone. The memory images being called up can be quite vivid and shocking and are accompanied by plenty of emotional upheavals. To keep you on track, the support of a session guide is a must (at least until you are trained to do this process solo, i.e., all by yourself). In the end, even the most horrifying images may be looked at with serenity and will have become mere anecdotes.
Result: Negative or overwhelming experiences (karma) handled. Responsibility taken for one’s contribution to the disasters of the past. Recognition of one’s Life Purpose. The end result is achieved after you have lived through the stressful incidents of your past connected with the negative program and have neutralized them and the connected emotions. With this cleared, you will experience serenity and clarity regarding your own position and values regarding that and sometimes even related topics. This results in acceptance of what is and the ability to take action and make decisions, even if that action or decision should be uncomfortable or difficult.
Please note that attaining the fullest form of end result is more than a one-session-affair. Each session will literally blow your mind, and bring valuable insights into your past and your true nature, but becoming perfect may take a bit longer, and for this reason it is usually done solo.
The Future Concept
Purpose: To make a desirable future real. In the same way that we know the past, we also know our future. Both exist in the form of images which can be called up and viewed. Images of the past are often suppressed because of their traumatic content. This in turn suppresses one’s vision of one’s future. To the extent that the negative karma of the past has been dealt with, impressions of the future will become increasingly available. Future Coaching assists you in turning vague concepts or suppressed wishes into vivid images, and to make realistic plans how to turn them into reality.
This is no "anything goes" proposition. To make vision or a dream ethical, the effect it might have on others needs to be considered. Which is to say: Future Concept coaching is intimately tied up with ethics and values.
Process: This is done in the usual session setting: session guide, session partner, two chairs, a table. In the first part your images of the future are called up. This is no wishful thinking. It is actually viewing the images that show up by themselves. They are not “made” by you but detected and embraced by you. In the second step, the necessary action steps are worked out in form of plans and programs. You will then use this future concept as your action guideline in real life.
Result: Certainty regarding personal visions, values, and a realizable future, and a clear strategy of how to make it happen.
(C-E-L Coaching)
Purpose: Enabling you to handle emotional resistance by communication alone. Leadership means as much as taking individuals or groups to the goals and targets they wish to attain. During this process any leading person will encounter emotional resistance, misunderstandings and non-compliance. This is often handled by threats of by force. In C-E-L Coaching the emphasis is on synergy, a concept taken from the Japanese martial art of Aikido.
Process: This is done in a course room since space for moving around is needed. The coaching can be done for individuals as well as groups. It consists mainly of learning by doing. Theory concepts are implemented as needed. The process is conducted by teams of two. About a dozen micro situations are worked through which resemble the macro situations of real life, be it business or family. This is no role playing. To start with, you can’t help acting out conflict resolutions in the way you always did, but then, based on the feedback of your team partner, you will gradually change your ways. You won’t learn any “tricks” but always create you own solutions, staying true to yourself.
Result: You know how to turn enemies into friends. Knowing this doesn’t mean that you will always manage to do it, though. It takes application and practice in the course room of life. Your MindWalking Trainer is there to assist.
Going on growing: MindWalking SOLO
Purpose: Exploring your mind solo, i.e., without the aid of a session guide. You can contact your supervisor by e-mail or telephone as needed.
Process: In your solo sessions, you will work your way through a list of themes that your attention is on. For this, a personal program is worked out by your supervisor. The methods used are the same as described above: Life Review, Relationship Clearing, Personal Expansion Program. You have learnt how to apply them solo by attending the relevant courses, be it in form of private coaching or as a group course. A course takes either three or four days, full time. Your actual solo sessions you would do in your own space and your own time. The sessions are written up and sent as an e-mail attachment to your session supervisor. His comments help you to get better and better at it.
Result: A free mind. Free meaning “unencumbered by negative thoughts, inner voices, frightening images, depressing moods, i.e., a mind that is ready to serve you rather than play tricks on you”.
Online and offline
Can MindWalking Sessions be done online? The answer is “no”. MindWalking sessions and most coachings are done in person only. Imagine a session or coaching partner massively breaking down in tears: you could not comfort him or her in the way you would when present. Or imagine your online connection being cut off in the middle of a recall process! Also there is the need to concentrate over many consecutive hours until a breakthrough is reached. This is hard to do in a video setting. There is body language which needs to be taken into account. All of this makes downright irresponsible to work online.
Surely you could have a video talk to sort things out or give instructions, etc., but that is not the same as aiding a person through the ups and downs of their emotional and mental dynamics.
Some minor forms of coaching regarding a specific communication issue or training, e. g. a marriage proposal, a work disagreement, a job interview training, may be done digitally.
It takes a license to be a Professional MIndWalking Trainer
Anyone is welcome to learn and apply MindWalking methods. You could use them privately in the way you interact with people, you could give a session to a friend, you could do your solo sessions. However, you wouldn’t be allowed to ask for a fee. This is because MindWalking is a trademark registered in Europe and Australia. The trademark owner is Rolf Ulrich Kramer in Germany. Using MindWalking commercially (for a fee) is restricted to those MindWalking Trainers who have obtained a license to do so. The purpose of this is ensuring quality, thus making it safe for the session partner. On the MindWalking website you will find licensed Trainers exclusively. Do not trust anyone else, if what you are looking for is a specific life change, and high quality work.
Books, Presentations & Interviews
Most of the books on MindWalking by its founder Rolf Ulrich Kramer have already been translated into English. You can find them on the German website under the English title in the "Publications" section under "all" or "Büchern" (books), also available online or in stores.
This somewhat challenging article "Basic Concepts in MindWalking" summarizes the fundamental theory and philosophy of MindWalking in a few pages. Here, you will learn the basic concepts and interrelationships of psychological and mental dynamics.
A selection of various translated articles from German professional journals can be found here.
– Lovers online.pdf
– Long Lost Love.pdf
– From Death to Rebirth.pdf
– After Death.pdf
– A Dog Session.pdf
Meanwhile, feel free to visit our YouTube channel, where more and more English videos will be added alongside the ones already available.